Entering paygroups

To enter paygroups:

  1. Open 5-3-4 Paygroups.
  2. For each paygroup.
    1. In the Paygroup# cell, enter the paygroup number.
    2. In the Name cell, enter a brief description of the paygroup.
    3. In the Classification cell, enter a description of the type of work performed. Sage 100 Contractor includes this information on certified payroll reports.
    4. If you want the paygroup to supersede the benefits in the employee record, type Yes in the Override cell.
    5. In the Rate 1 cell, enter the rate for regular pay.
    6. In the Rate 2 cell, enter the rate for overtime pay.
    7. In the Rate 3 cell, enter the rate for premium pay.
    8. In the Piece Rate cell, enter the rate of pay per completed piece.
    9. In the Union cell, enter the union number.
  3. Click File > Save.

After adding paygroups

Set up the benefits package for each paygroup.